Beiträge von Robyrux

    Thanks, the problem seems to be solved or at least I am able to replicate it and see when it happens. I have reset the button and have been able to assign actions to it. They all work fine.

    The problem appears when I assign a static IP address to the device. After I save the static setting, the device flashes and it becomes unreachable. Any further action has no effect and I have to reset the button.

    I assigned a static IP because the app recommends to do so but if it works without this I can easily leave it as is. Static IPs are more useful for the other Shelly devices towards which I send the commands from the button

    Hi all,

    I have a Shelly Button1 device. I was able to add it as a device and it is visible in my Shelly app. When I press the button the led blinks rapidly in white/blue color and then it turns fixed red. Any action or setting I try to set in the app has no effect. I tried resetting it several times with the reset button but the result is always the same. I also tried plugging in the USB to set it as Access Point but again no effect.

    Does anybody have any suggestion?

