It was reproducibly on the first try. Reboot the Wifi Accespoint, Temperature and Voltage increases, the blue line is on 0.11.0b3 the two others on 0.10.2. EcoMode: ON:
Also the flapping Voltage was back again after around 7 Days..
It was reproducibly on the first try. Reboot the Wifi Accespoint, Temperature and Voltage increases, the blue line is on 0.11.0b3 the two others on 0.10.2. EcoMode: ON:
Also the flapping Voltage was back again after around 7 Days..
While the regression from 0.10.3, aenergy around 30% to high, seems to be fixed in 0.11.0 beta 2/3 the original Issue that the Volltage is flapping up an down still persists. After about 6 Days of uptime the issue is back. The blue line is on 0.11.0b3 the two others on 0.10.2.
Edit: Like before restart immediatly recovers from the issue.
I've finally dared to install 0.11.0 beta2 on one of the devices. Have not seen any significant Voltage Drop compared to 10.2. Numbers feel a little lower but it is pretty hot ouside so it might be that the Solar Moduls / Inverter may not reach the full 300W. At least anergy did not pass the theorical max of around 300wh anymore.
Saw some other strange behavior today. Wlan AP was restartet, which according to the temperature disabled the ECO-Mode and at the same time Voltage increased by around 5,x Volt.
The Yellow Dots are on 11.0b2 and the two others on 10.2. The Multimeter shows around 235.5V so after the event at least two of them are pretty close:
Edit: Restarted, ECO Mode on again, Temps lower and Voltage decreased about 5V
Hab mal auf meine 3 plus1pm geschaut bei allen, 2x YANG 1x BRODWELL steht calib:done auf false, SW 0.10.2, bei Broadwell sind aber zumindest Werte bei "scales0" vorhanden:
Hängt evlt. mit dem ECO Mode zusammen, bei mir wird der hin und wieder deaktiviert und erst wieder eingeschaltet wenn ich die Geräte neu starte. Obwohl die Shelly nicht gefordert werden durch regelmäßiges abfragen oder Skripte, sie senden lediglich über MQTT ihre Werte. Kann man beim Temperaturverlauf des letzten Monat 2 mal beobachten;
Currently not available:
Gen2 0.11.0 (beta1)
(Temporarily paused, because of potential stability issues that we are investigating)
0.11.0-beta1 was released today, have not tested it yet.
I think we talk about the same thing. Knowing 300W is the maxium it could never pass 300wh, good that you are looking into. Switched back to 0.10.2, now the consumption measurement is fine again and I learned how to correct Data in an InfluxDB.
@mircho.mirev yes it is a Plus 1PM got the link, thx
I'm not accumulating anything by myself just taking what is delivered by the device. The measurement of the current Power is fine, e.g. "apower":300 but the total aenergy in not calculated correctly. Having 300W for one hour should add 300wh of consumption. But actullay around 390wh are added.
Please refer to the discussion here as well, since 0.10.3 having apower of ~600W for an hour adds a consumption of 775wh instead of ~600wh -> RE: Shelly Plus 1PM - Balkonkraftwerk - Leistungsmessung korrekt - Einspeisung/Gesamtverbrauch zu hoch
Brauche ich verlässliche Werte, logge ich lokal und passe die Darstellung gerade auch noch so an, dass sie mir gefällt (oder dem WAF ).
Ich logge auch lokal in eine InfluxDB aber auch der Wert ist genauso daneben. Tatsächlich hat ein Modul etwa 250W geliefert, relativ konstant über eine Stunde in der Mittagszeit. Lokal wurden dazu 325Wh und in der Shelly Cloud wurden auch 325Wh erfasst. Wenn die Basis nicht stimmt.. Mit 0.10.2 bestand zumindest dieses Problem nicht.
Wäre auch für die URL zum Downgrade auf 0.10.2 dankbar.
Seems accumulated energy is still wrong on 0.10.3 final, somewhere at 30% to much like reported by dana_se before. Please refer to the Graphs below, Instantaneous power was reported between 230W - 255W but the accumulated energy usage was reported as 325,7wh, which is physically not possible. I caputure the Power Value every two seconds and the connected microinverter has a peak of 300W.
Please share the URL I have to trigger for a downgrade to version 0.10.2, thx.
Storing the energy Values was one of the reasons I bought the PLUS devices, even ditched existing non Plus. Advertising shows "Power metering with data storage" knowing that the Non Plus does not have that feature and does not advertise the same I had the impression Values should be stored. HW was had been adapted with some durable Flash.
What does it actually mean, Is it just missing or will again not be possible cause of HW Limitation?
@Ivan Raykov: Both Graph show the accumulated energy, while on beta1 the issue was obious, 300W instantaneous power could never produce more that 300wh accumulated energy usage, but it was reported as 1200wh usage for one hour. Both Graph were directly caputured from "home.shelly.cloud".
@mircho.mirev: Does that translate to that all previous accumulated energy usage has been reported as to low. And starting from Beta2 this should be the real Value?
I'm measuring the earnings of my Mini Solar Plant, Beta1 messed up some of my statistics and it not possible to judge if the measurement is right with Beta2 as it strongly fluctating depending on the weather. Did you perform at least some basic reference measurements with a defined / calibrated load? Is it save to asume now that the accumulated energy usage is correct?
Thx & KR
Seems in 0.10.3-beta1 something with the measuring of the PowerConsumption is messed Up. I'm using it to monitor a Mirco PV with a maximum of 300W, so it should not pass 300Wh but it moved already pass 1200Wh. In Total it should have less than 1kwh as the Day just startet, but counter is already at 5kwh
First Graph with the new FW:
Second Graph before FW update how it should look like:
Edit: Flashed back to 0.10.2 fixed the issue, Values were around 5 times higher than they should be on 10.3..
Kann mich dem auch anschließen, stark Schwankende Spannung und gelegentlich Überspannungswarnung inkl. Abschaltung. Nach einem Neustart scheint es einigermaßen zu passen, 235V Multimeter vs 238V beim 1. Plus und 233V beim 2. Plus am selben Stromkreis.
Die Orange Linie ist ein 1PM dort ist alles gut, die blaue und grüne Linie PLUS 1 PM, Abschaltung sieht man gegen 16:28 und gegen 17:11 nach einem Neustart dann relativ stabil.
[Blockierte Grafik: https://smarthome-forum.eu/index.php?attachment/30417-pasted-from-clipboard-png/]
Nach etwa 12 Tagen war das Problem zurück, die Spannung ist nicht so oft wie letztes mal auf und ab gesprungen, scheint sich nach und nach aufzuschaukeln. Nach einem Neustart um ca. 15:28, hat es sich dann wieder verbessert, siehe Grafen:
Wenn man "Generic status update over MQTT" einschaltet, ist die Antwort umfangreicher, Spannung, Temperatur, Leistung & Verbrauch..
Kann mich dem auch anschließen, stark Schwankende Spannung und gelegentlich Überspannungswarnung inkl. Abschaltung. Nach einem Neustart scheint es einigermaßen zu passen, 235V Multimeter vs 238V beim 1. Plus und 233V beim 2. Plus am selben Stromkreis.
Die Orange Linie ist ein 1PM dort ist alles gut, die blaue und grüne Linie PLUS 1 PM, Abschaltung sieht man gegen 16:28 und gegen 17:11 nach einem Neustart dann relativ stabil.
[Blockierte Grafik: https://smarthome-forum.eu/index.php?attachment/30417-pasted-from-clipboard-png/]
Same issue here, voltage was constantly flapping even causing over voltage detection und power off.
Orange line is a 1PM all good, blue and green line Plus 1PM, all connected to the same circuit, both plus suffering from the same issue. Please refer to the attached Graph around 16:28 overvoltage, at around 17:11 restart afterwards only very minor fluctuation < 1V. Had that for weeks and always wondered how it could differ so much.
Firmware build ID: 20220330-151110/0.10.1-g8d603a2