I received my Shelly EM and 2 x 50A clamps last week. I tested the device for about a week now and after this period I am encountering the below issue. I would like to monitor my electricity consumption knowing exactly the values at any time of the day. At first, I clamped one to my mains (K >L in the correct side) and another one on my solar but noticed that on the clamp connected to my mains, I was receiving returned values. At first, I thought that this was coming from my second clamp connected to my solar panels so I disconnected that. The next day I still received the returned values. This is causing some inconvenience as when I get returned values from my solar, I do not know my true consumption as the returned value is making up for the real consumption. Is there a way I can have a monitor just for consumed values, and the second clamp just for returned value from Solar?
Thanks a lot