Beiträge von madhaggard

    in a register box I have two 2.5, two dimmer2 and one plus1pm

    for several years they have worked without problems.

    but since a month or two. a 2.5, always the same, stays offline more and more frequently.

    I have tried turning off power saving.

    also to activate roaming. varying the threshold in various tests. no effect either.

    I have also tried to open the box and reposition the devices.

    neither. the result is always the same.

    After a while the device disconnects and I have to cut power to bring it back to life.

    the signal level is around -45db inside the box.

    the devices communicate by coiot in unicast to ha.

    In the house there are several devices, this being at an intermediate distance from the access point in relation to the others.

    any suggestions?


    I have several "dimmer 2" connected with neutral. all the lights. in principle. regulate correctly.

    but when I lower the level to 5 or 10%. they blink. (none reach 20w). I tried adjusting the options but it's not enough. so I bought some "bypasses" .

    but in each bag comes a bypass and a ceramic capacitor. which, according to indications, should be put on. both .in parallel to the load.

    Why is there a capacitor this time?