Beiträge von Tinus81


    Looking for some tips here. I have a dimmer 2 which is scheduled to turn on ad sunset and turn off at midnight. To button input 1 connected is a motion detector that I would like to use at night.

    The button type set to Activation switch gives me unwanted functionality since that button input only resets the Auto Off time. Auto Off time also turns off the scheduled turned on light.

    I've set the button type to toggle switch one button. That comes closer to my desired functionality. When motion is detected the light turns on and off after some time. Unwanted is that when the scheduler turned the light on, when motion is detected the light turns off after some time. I would like to restore the previous setting after motion detected.

    I found out that Shelly supported scripting, which makes my desired functionality quite easy to program, but now I found out that this dimmer 2 doesn't support that... Is there any way to have a script in there?

    Other option I can think of that the button type could be detached during scheduled operation, and toggle switch after midnight. But how can I change the button type automatically (by scheduler would be nice).

    Thanks in advance for your help.

