Beiträge von debaggerbak

    I have decided to replace the Shelly by a Legrand digital timer relay. It appears the Shelly is a toy and not suitable for critical applications such as heating (or hot water). If I can't trust it, it is of no use to me. Unfortunately I can't do Home Assistant integration, but such is life.



    {"jobs":[{"id":1,"enable":true,"timespec":"0 5 22 * * SUN,MON,TUE,WED,THU,FRI,SAT","calls":[{"method":"Switch.Set","params":{"id":0,"on":true}}]},{"id":2,"enable":true,"timespec":"0 58 5 * * SUN,MON,TUE,WED,THU,FRI,SAT","calls":[{"method":"Switch.Set","params":{"id":0,"on":false}}]}], "rev":9}

    yesterday evening it did not activate. This morning it did deactivate.



    Hello everyone,

    I have a PRO 1 PM that switches the controller of my floor heating.

    When I use the on/off switch in the app, I can get the controller to activate and deactivate.

    When I use the Schedule however, I noticed it does not switch on or off. I checked the log, and discovered that on some days it does switch, and other days it doesn't. It appears to be random.

    I have installed the latest firmware update. AndcI really need that timer to be working.

    Please help. Winter is coming.

