Beiträge von emmazo

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    SSL support seems broken for now. The debug console tells something about an SSL handshake error. Disabling SSL and specifying the host with port (host:1883) worked for me. However, even with MQTT working, this device isn't really useful for most applications without virtual controls and state indications. So far it's just as good as any dumb light-switch besides being able to report temperature, humidity and lux.

    I immediately bought a small stack of these wall displays but I am a bit disappointed. The build quality make a good impression but the features leave a lot to be desired. Almost unusable without Shelly Cloud. I understand that they are brand new and more features are coming, but I expected a bit more at launch. Here is the minimum I would expect for these devices to extend their stay in my home indefinitely:

    - Customizable background / theme

    - Option to disable the logo (i.e. a room name, breaker id, ... would make much better use of the space. also my rooms are not some kind of billboard.)

    - Virtual buttons for sending commands via MQTT

    - Temperature control sending updates via MQTT

    - Temperature control receiving state changes via MQTT

    - Scripting for updating virtual buttons / labels / states / ... from MQTT events

    Apart from this, however, a very promising product. With these features, I would definitely buy more.