I have two H&T Plus devices that I intend to deploy at rental properties that I manage.
I want to monitor that that the properties are being heated and ventilated sufficiently and there is not a risk of damp.
I've looked at various ways of linking them to home assistant........
MQTT - my MQTT server is local and not internet accessible (I could create an internet based MQTT server without https to minimise battery use)
WS - I don't believe you can use WS through Nabu Casa and WS ports and my HA install are not internet accessible
Webhook - I guess I could use nabu casa webhooks, but I understand that this uses a lot of battery power
Cloud - most battery efficient seems to be to let the device log data to Shelly Cloud, but there doesn't seem to be a simple way to get this data into home assistant.
Am I missing a simple way to get data from shelly cloud into home assistant.
(Yes I'm going to read all the API docs, but just wondered if I was missing something obvious).