Beiträge von Pulse Automation


    I have the following set up

    4 x shelly I4 plus

    1 x Shelly 1 plus

    The application is for if any of the shelly I4 inputs are triggered, the shelly 1 plus should turn on for X time and then turn off. However if any of the other inputs are triggered, the X time should restart. In summary its basically a OR gate for 4 inputs to trigger a extract fan for X amount of time with a off delay.

    The way I am doing this at the moment is using all of the inputs to webhook the script on the 1 plus. The problem is it will start the script only once. I wish to have at the end of my script that the script is set to "stop" and can then once again be recalled.

    I cant seem to find anywhere the command to stop the script. I am trying to use Script.Stop {id:1} but i think this is wrong.

    I hope this makes sense and I am open to suggestions if there is a better way.