Data analysis
I created an Excel file that imports the files "em_data.csv" that are in that same folder and allows you to get several values, namely: maximum current and/or maximum power between two dates, energy value between two dates, energy cost between two dates, power graphs from the em_data.csv and even power and energy comparison between two .csv files (jaggy.csv and eco2.csv with a garagem.csv as the circuit meter).
You just have to download the files .csv directly from ShellyEM (with the ShellyEM IP) and place the file in the same Excel folder. To do the various imports you have to rename the files. Excel automatically loads files with this names:
- casa.csv
- eco2.csv
- em_data.csv
- garagem.csv
- jaggy.csv
- mll.csv
- mlsr.csv
- placa.csv
- tomadas.csv
In each of the Excel sheets you will have access to the table imported from the .csv and on the right side a table (at the top of the sheet) in the yellow cells, you can put the date and time of the beginning and end of the analysis you intend to do. Allows you to analyze several rows at the same time.
This file can be a working basis for someone who wants to develop a deeper analysis or even improve it.
To better understand the file, I briefly explain my layout of Shelly EM: I have 5 Shelly EM, 3 at home and 2 in the garage (inside two electric vehicles chargers). One of the Shelly measures the total of the House (casa.csv) and the circuit that feeds the the garage switchboard (garagem.csv). I have two more Shelly in the same electrical panel inside the house that measure the circuit of the Dishwasher (mll.csv), Washing and Dryer Machine (mlsr.csv), Induction Cooker (placa.csv) and kitchen socket outlets circuit , where are, for example, the refrigerators (tomadas.csv). In the garage I have a Shelly EM inside each electric vehicle charger, namely a 100% electric vehicle (jaggy.csv) and a plug-in hybrid (eco2.csv).
The sheet “comparacao” allows you to check the energy losses of the garage circuit (since the sum of the energy of the Shelly jaggy.csv and eco2.csv is always less than the energy of the garagem.csv and assign the energy associated to each of the vehicles taking into account that they may be charging at different currents at the same time and as such will have different associated losses.
Have fun.