Beiträge von schlurzkuss

    In my case, I doubt a resistor would help. My Dimmer2 currently report:

    large lamp: dimmed to 21%, reporting 17W consumption,

    small lamp: dimmed to 53%, reporting 15W consumption.

    This is well above the 10W limit, which anyway was only given for the N-less installation. Here, N is connected.

    I'd love to attach a digital oscilloscope to record voltages during the flickering - but I have no such equipment, sorry.


    being located in Germany, my electricity source is 230V/50Hz (± a few %).

    I have similar issues too with my 2 Shelly Dimmer2:

    I have two lamps in the same room, roughly 6m apart (dimmers too), and installed on different circuits (and breakers), with SW1, N, L and O connected.

    These lamps are dimmable LED ceiling lights "Geo" (30.2W) and "Karat" (72.2W) from Grossmann[1]. Both lamps worked fine before I installed the dimmers.

    Both my Shelly Dimmer2 had arrived with firmware "20200528-111028/1026-new-device-dimmer-l@98d7122e" but were updated to 1.7.6. on the day of installation.

    The light seems to work fine at first. But at random intervals, the lights flicker 2 to 5 times. This occurs only once or repeats several times within about 30seconds. The flicker returns unpredictably, sometimes after only seconds, but sometimes after almost an hour)

    The flickering on my lights occurs independently of each other: the two lamps do not flicker synchronously. It occurred on the initial firmware, as well as now on 1.7.6, so for me the update did not seem to change anything.

    Both Dimmer2 are configured to dimming type: trailing edge. For now, WLAN is enabled but not MQTT or Cloud.

    Any idea what could help?

    [1] Grossmann Leuchten

    [German language only. The web page pretends to offer english and french too, but it's non-functional]